A slightly unconventional Mallie Mondays this month, being released on a Friday. But, January Mallie Mondays is the ultimate playlist to ring in 2022, so I was determined to get this out on New Year’s Eve.

2021 was bullshit. We all know it. I, for one, am grateful that the year is over and done. I do not want to claim 2021 energy or take any of that baggage with me. I learned a lot about myself, and I don’t have any regrets. But still, there is an everlasting sour taste to the year because of the pandemic.

I plan on leaving 2021 in the dust. It wasn’t good to me. Even when it was good to me, it wasn’t - y’know? Like, even when there were perfect, wonderful moments, they were overshadowed by the shitty. And, if 2021 was somehow *miraculously* your best year yet, congrats. You’re 1 of a million.

Now, I know we’re still in the thick of it. I’m no fool. But, I can finally see a glimmer of hope for 2022. A light at the end of the tunnel. And I am making extremely bold predictions for 2022 based on that hope.
2022 is all about the revival of the roaring 20s and extravagant aesthetics. Late night jazz clubs, smoking indoors, femme fatales, listening to unreleased Lana Del Rey, old Hollywood glam - “these are a few of my favorite things.” What was in during The Jazz Age will be in once again. People have been couped up for 2 years now. Everyone’s ready to party hard and makeout with strangers like it’s a scene from “The Big Sleep” or “The Diamond as Big as the Ritz” (if you haven’t read either, do so immediately). If you see feather boas and big, costume jewelry on the runways in a month, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

Happy New Year and Happy Mallie Mondays! And remember, tonight is the perfect night for grand gestures.

Here’s to 2022. Wishing you all the best in the new year. 

Playlist Highlights:

Auld Lang Syne/End Title - Dimitri Tiomkin 

Favorite lyrics:
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And days of auld lang syne?

See-Line Woman - Nina Simone

Favorite lyrics:
Empty his pockets
And wreck his days
Make him love her
And she'll fly away

Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend - Marilyn Monroe

Favorite lyrics:
Time rolls on
And youth is gone
And you can't straighten up when you bend
But stiff back
Or stiff knees
You stand straight at Tiffany's

Hoops - Julia Wolf 

Favorite lyrics:
Put the car in park
Spilling out your heart
I would never lie, fucking real from the start
Fucking real from the start

Radio - Lana Del Rey 

Favorite lyrics:
Not even they can stop me now
Boy, I'll be flying overhead
Their heavy words can't bring me down
Boy I've been raised from the dead